
Pineapples have a rather unique chemical composition. They are not only good tasting, but extremely good for you. One of the many compounds found in pineapples is bromelain, which can be extracted from the core and the stem. The most extensively studied components of bromelain are the protein-digesting enzymes called cysteine proteinases. These provide the vital health benefits of bromelain which is sold as a dietary supplement. Originally, researches had thought that it’s benefits were only as an aid in digestion. But recent studies have found far bigger implications of it’s health benefits.

Therapeutic doses of bromelain have resulted in lowering of excessive inflammation, excessive coagulation of the blood and inhibiting of certain types of tumor growth. There are many potential chemical differences in the extraction of bromelain from the stem and extraction from the fruit core.

Pineapples are very high in vitamin C content which is the body’s primary water-soluble anti-oxidant which defends all areas of the body against free radicals which attack cells, promote plaque buildup in arteries, cause the airway spasms that lead to asthma attacks and damage the cells of the colon causing them to become cancerous. Vitamin C is also very important for proper function of the immune system.

The mineral manganese is also found in pineapple. Although it’s only a trace mineral, manganese is an essential cofactor in numerous enzymes important to energy production and antioxidant defenses. In addition to manganese, pineapple contains thiamin, which acts as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions to produce energy. Pineapple also helps prevent macular degeneration.