Sunflower seeds make one of the best snacks around hands down.  They have a firm but tender texture that cuts hunger like nothing else. Sunflower seeds come from the beautiful sunflower which is very easy to grow. They have a bright yellow center which is loaded with these delicious seeds. The grayish-green or black seeds have a grey shell with black stripes. These seeds have a very high oil content and most people remove the shells to get to the tender seed inside.

Sunflower seeds are loaded with vitamin E which is the body’s primary fat-soluable antioxidant. Vitamin E flows through the body killing free radicals that would otherwise harm the body cell membranes, brain cells and cholesterol. By protecting these, vitamin E has a lot of anti-inflammatory effects that cut down the symptoms of asthma and arthritis. These are conditions where free radicals and inflammation play a big role. Vitamin E reduces the risk of colon cancer, reduces the effects of hot flashes during menopause and helps relieve diabetic complications.

Also, vitamin E helps prevent cardiovascular disease. It helps prevent free radicals from oxidizing cholesterol. Free radical cannot adhere to artery walls without being oxidized first. This means that the cardiac diseases of atherosclerosis, which leads to heart attack or stroke, cannot be initiated. Studies show that an increase in the intake of vitamin E can help prevent death from a heart attack or stroke. Just 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds can give 90% of the daily requirement of vitamin E.

Sunflower seeds also contain Phytosterols which have a chemical structure much like cholesterol. With sufficient amounts being supplied through diet, are believed to reduce cholesterol levels, increase immune responses and decreases the risks of certain cancers.